If you are an industry professional, skilled trade or general industrial worker, looking to advance your career or you are a student, a worker requiring flexible work schedules or you simply want to make extra money part time... WE CAN HELP.
We work with over 300 Employers in GTA area.
Our recruiters will help you uncover the benefits of joining the employers we work with, while matching your skills, expertise and career goals with the professional requirements of the position.
Alliance Employment Services provides the services to the Job Seeker confidentially, at no cost, and in most cases act as their buffer/negotiator with employers.
EARN MONEY Depending on the position you choose you can earn an extra income or make a living.
OPEN DOORS Access to more than a 300 GTA Businesses . You will be able to help them on their projects. And be able to show yourself in action. Prove that you can be a good addition to their full time team. Many employers, even if they start by hiring you as a Temporary worker, often hire for their full time positions from their pool of temporary staff.
FLEXIBILITY Available flexible work schedules will allow you to fit your other study, work, social or family responsibilities. Day, Afternoon and Night shifts available
GAIN EXPERIENCE If you are new to the work force it's a great chance to gain experience and get additional training.
SAFE AND PRODUCTIVE As a contingency worker you are covered by same labour laws and regulations as a full time staff. Employers offer Productive and safe work environments.
ADVANCE YOUR CAREER if you carrier goals are more specific will be able to help you as well. Many businesses utilise our services to help them speed up the search for the candidates to join their full time staff. Please look out for our job posts and apply for the position of your interest. if you do not see anything at this time do not worry. By creating a profile with us you notify us of your experiences and expertise as well as carrier goal. Once we have a suitable position we will notify you immediately.
If you refer your friends, and they end up working with us for 200 hours- you could be entitled to a referral bonus. Simply ask your friend to put you as a reference in the registration form.
This is not a full time program. Check with your recruiting consultant about its availability.